Gold Standard

Gold Standard GAMSAT: Your Partner in GAMSAT Prep


Gold Standard GAMSAT is here to help you crush the GAMSAT and take the next step toward
your medical dreams. We’ve created a range of resources to make your prep easier, smarter,
and more effective—perfect for students at any stage of their journey.

Start with our GAMSAT Masters Series books. These are your go-to guides for all sections of
the exam, breaking down tricky concepts, simplifying science, and providing challenging
practice questions with helpful worked solutions to help you feel confident and prepared.

Need extra support? Join our weekly GAMSAT online tutorials with Dr. Brett Ferdinand, the
expert behind the Masters Series. These sessions give you strategies, tips, and answers to your
toughest questions in a relaxed and interactive setting.

And when it comes to practice, we’ve got you covered with up to 17 full-length GAMSAT
practice tests
. These realistic exams help you get familiar with the GAMSAT format while giving
you detailed feedback to pinpoint where to improve.

Gold Standard GAMSAT isn’t just about study materials—it’s about making sure you have the
tools and confidence to succeed. Let’s tackle this together and get you one step closer to your

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